Zoo Flora: American
Cardboard Cycad
Zamia furfuracea
This robust plant is native to eastern parts of Mexico. The leaves are long and have a thick and furry texture! This low growing plant thrives in full sun, yet, is able to grow in shaded areas. Unfortunately, this plant is considered an endangered species.
Distribution: Eastern Mexico
Height: 1.3 metres
Width: 2 metres
Season: All year round
Location at Australia Zoo: Near Scrappa the saltwater crocodile!
Common Frangipani
Plumeria rubra
The commonly recognised frangipani tree is native to Central America, however, it is widespread throughout many tropical regions of the world. The stunning frangipani flower grows in colours such as yellow, white and pink! These trees are deciduous, meaning they lose their flowers and leaves during the dry, cooler months.
Distribution: Central America and tropical regions of the world
Height: 2.8 metres
Width: 2.8 metres
Season: Summer and autumn
Location at Australia Zoo: South-east Asia
Crucifix Orchid
Epidendrum ibaguense
The stunning flower of a crucifix orchid ranges in colours, including orange, red, mauve, purple and yellow! They resemble the shape of a cross, hence the name ‘crucifix orchid’. This species is found throughout South America and thrives all year round in a variety of climates.
Distribution: South America
Height: 1.5 metres
Width: Up to 1 metre
Season: All year round
Location at Australia Zoo: Tiger Temple
Cuban Royal Palm
Roystonea regia
This tall palm has a long, smooth trunk and large, round foliage atop. Each individual palm frond can reach lengths of up to four metres! This fast-growing palm thrives throughout warm summer months in southern USA and Central America.
Distribution: Southern United States of America and Central America
Height: Up to 30 metres
Width: Up to 8 metres
Season: Summer
Location at Australia Zoo: Entrance to Australia Zoo carpark and Admissions areas
Dragon Tree
Dracaena draco
This stunning succulent is widespread throughout Australia, America, Asia and Africa. It thrives in a tropical climate and is extremely slow growing. A mature dragon tree will develop a large, umbrella-like appearance. This tree is often referred to as a ‘dragon blood tree’ due to the red, blood-like sap that is secreted when it’s cut! The dragon tree is native to Canary Islands, where is it now considered endangered.
Distribution: Australia, Asia, America and Africa
Height: Up to 10 metres
Width: Up to 9 metres
Season: All year round
Location at Australia Zoo: Bindi’s Island
Moses in the Cradle
Rhoeo spathecea ‘dwarf’
This Mexican native is striking in colour! This plant boasts purple and green, sword-like leaves, prospers in warm climates and favours a sunny position. Although at times it can be hard to see, they do display a small, white flower.
Distribution: Mexico
Height: 30 centimetres
Width: 30 centimetres
Season: All year round
Location at Australia Zoo: Concierge and Front of Australia Zoo
Native Rosemary
Westringia fruticosa ‘blue gem’
This stunning shrub is native to the coast of New South Wales and southern regions of the USA. Its foliage is bushy and dark green with small, bluish-purple flowers. Rosemary is a tough and durable plant, suited to dry conditions with full sun exposure!
Distribution: New South Wales and Southern United States of America
Height: 2 metres
Width: 5 metres
Season: Spring
Location at Australia Zoo: Tiger Temple and South-east Asia
Staghorn Fern
The stunning staghorn is native to the southern hemisphere. They typically grow on other trees and rocks in order to catch rain water, leaves and debris from above. These ferns are best suited to lightly-shaded environments and thrive all year round!
Distribution: Australia, Africa, South America and Southern Asia
Height: 1 metre
Width: up to 1 metre
Season: All year round
Location at Australia Zoo: Throughout Australia Zoo