White-lipped Tree Frog
Check out Australia Zoo’s White-lipped Tree Frogs!
Watch out, there are frogs about! If you’re lucky enough, you might spot one of our local population of white-lipped tree frogs. These gorgeous frogs are the world’s largest and can grow up to 14 centimetres (5.5 inches)!
You can generally find these beautiful amphibians in the coastal areas of northern Queensland and Papua New Guinea. They are bright green on top, with an off-white belly and a distinctive white stripe along their lower lip. If you manage to spot one, keep an eye out for a pinkish colour on their legs. This is a sign that it’s mating season for the frogs and you’ve found yourself a male!
Strangely, the white-lipped tree frog doesn’t make the classic ‘croak’ that we associate with frogs. Instead, it makes a sound that is similar to the bark of a large dog! Luckily for us, their bark is far worse than their bite, as they tend to feed on insects and other arthropods.
The white-lipped tree frog is doing well in the wild as they are a hardy species. Females will lay up to 100 eggs! The process of development from egg to frog takes around eight weeks.