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Satin Bowerbird

Satin Bowerbird

Check out Australia Zoo’s Satin Bowerbird


Crikey, they don’t get much more majestic than our Satin Bowerbirds! You can spot these striking birds all day long in Grace’s Bird Garden. Keep your camera handy because they are a sight to see.



Satin Bowerbirds are renowned for decorating their bowers with all manner of blue objects collected nearby. This can include a random assortment, such as feathers, flowers, seed pods and butterfly wings. They will even use man-made objects they believe fit the colour theme of their bower. This is done by the male to attract a mate. How romantic!



They are found along the eastern and south eastern coast line of Australia, and prefer wetter forests. The male Satin Bowerbirds are easy to recognize and have a beautiful glossy blue-black plumage, a blue-white bill and a violet iris. This only develops at the age of seven, and until then they look very similar to females!



These birds are the most common type of Bowerbirds found in Australia, and are a species of least concern. Woo-hoo!

  • Class of animal icon


  • Genus of animal icon


  • Species of animal icon

    Ptilonorhynchus violaceus

  • height of animal icon

    28 - 34 cm (0.9- 1.1 ft)

  • weight of animal icon

    230 g (8.1 oz)

  • gestation of animal icon

    21 days