Sponsor A Croc
Enquiry Form
Sponsor a croc that is caught, tagged and released as part of the annual Crocodile Research Trip to the Steve Irwin Wildlife Reserve!
Your contribution to the largest and most successful crocodile research project in the world, using the very techniques that Steve Irwin developed himself many years ago. By sponsoring a croc, you’ll get naming rights to your very own crocodile that you will be able to track on its journey through the Wenlock River!
Sponsorship: $7,500 AUD
This world-renowned research involves:
- Tagging and tracking crocodiles in the Wenlock River with Acoustic technology, GPS Satellite transmitters
- Monitoring crocodile behaviour, their movements and physiology
- Collecting samples from crocs to discover what foods they are eating
- Vital research uncovering the distances crocodiles move, their ability to return to their home range after relocation and revolutionary findings on their ability to remain submerged, and their behaviour during flood events
- Findings critical to managing the co-existence of crocodiles and people
You can make a contribution of any amount, food or materials for the benefit of this vital study. To make a contribution or find out more, please call Australia Zoo on 075436 200 or email: croctrip@australiazoo.com.au