- Sex: Male
- Size: 4.5m (14 feet 10 inches)
- Tagged & Released: 15/08/2010
- Times Recaptured & Released: 5
- Last Captured: 29/08/2024
Ah Drew, our old friend! We first met Drew in 2010 when he joined our study and he was identified as one of the “Boss Crocs”. Since 2010, Drew has popped up 5 times to say G’day and we just love him! Since we first met in 2010, Drew has grown from a big 14’ 2” to a massive 14’ 10” in 2023!! We stopped being able to track this big guy in 2018 when his acoustic tag died, however we were so fortunate to be acquainted with him again in 2023 and subsequently fitted him with two brand new tags so that we can continue to track his movements!
Interactive Map
Crocodile tracking program conducted by the Franklin Eco-laboratory at The University of Queensland.