You Can Make a Difference
How you can make a difference
“We don’t own the planet Earth, we belong to it. And we must share it with our wildlife.”
– Steve Irwin
So, what’s the first step to conserving our planet? You’re already doing it!
The task of saving wildlife seems daunting, but by aligning our consumption habits with our values, we can work towards Steve’s goal, to ‘save one, save the species’.
There are a few simple things we can all do, to ensure our ecosystems remain healthy for generations to come.
Get to know what you are buying!
Each and every purchase decision we make, no matter how tiny, has a global impact! It’s not about what we actively do, but what we choose not to do that makes the biggest impact on the world. Here are a few questions to ask yourself before you make your next purchase:
- Is it a wildlife product?
- Is it tested on animals?
- Is it made ethically and sustainably?
Support businesses that support the planet!
Recycle and reuse
We’ve all seen the waste that makes up landfill each year, but by making simple, conscious environmental choices, we can save the environment and money… and who doesn’t love that!?
- Do you have a reusable cup for your daily coffee? Ensure each cup you drink is produced sustainably
- Switch to reusable containers, produce bags or beeswax wraps instead of one-use plastics
- Save paper by going digital with your bills
- Make the switch to recycled or sustainably grown wood and paper products
- Get a reusable metal straw
Protect wildlife
Wildlife plays an important role in our ecosystems and its imperative we protect them. Without native wildlife, our ecosystems don’t function as they should, which has a detrimental and lasting impact on planet Earth.
- Watch the roadsides, especially during dawn and dusk hours for wildlife on the move
- Keep your pets inside at night to avoid conflict with wildlife that may enter your backyard
- Take your rubbish with you, and even better, pick up any litter you see that’s left behind!
- Take all tackle and fishing line with you when you’re done, and dispose of it properly
- Add native plants to your backyard to create homes and food sources for wildlife
- Build a wildlife nest box or hang a bird feeder in your backyard!
- When in national parks, report any rare wildlife sightings to park rangers
- Help stop illegal wildlife trade by not purchasing products derived from wildlife. Alert the authorities to anyone trying to sell illegal wildlife or wildlife products
If you do see native wildlife that needs help, make a call to your local rescue group for guidance.
24-Hour Wildlife Emergency Hotlines
Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Australia Zoo Rescue Unit operates between the hours of 8:00am – 5:00pm, 7 days.
For any native wildlife emergency during these hours, call 1300 369 652.
Outside of these hours, please call:
Queensland-wide: 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625)
Reduce your carbon footprint
In the 21st century, we’re reliant on the luxuries of life – technology, electricity, water, transport. There are plenty of ways we can curb our footprint and reduce our emissions!
- Unplug yourself from technology!
- Turn off the lights or any electrical devices not in use
- Ride your bike or walk
- Make a compost bin for your home
- Take a shorter shower
- Set your air conditioning system to the optimum temperature in summer and winter
Live harmoniously
Apex predators like crocodiles and tigers play a vital role in their ecosystems. The common misconception that they are a threat to people has been detrimental to their very existence and meant they are both animals that have been on the brink of extinction.
To ensure our planet remains for years to come, means we must learn to live alongside these incredible creatures. It’s simple; learn their behaviours and you’ll never run into trouble with them!
Give back!
We don’t expect people to donate their entire lives to conservation like Steve, but some simple additions and some conscious choices by each and every one of us can have a lasting impact on our planet. If you do want to give back, there are plenty of ways you can help through:
- Volunteering your time
- Raising money through events
- Donating items charities may request
- Give monthly to help conservation, every little bit helps!